​Tell me, does this sound familiar?

You sit down to do your marketing for your business but you are either uninspired, tired, or overwhelmed? (Closes laptop angrily)

Don't worry, you are NOT the first nor the last to feel this way!

I'm constantly working with small business owners who are ready to throw in the towel with their marketing and then they come to me.

But, you know what I realize when I get down to their marketing? Their strategy is not from a place of true authenticity and mindfulness.

Now, I'm not saying they are being fake at all but what I'm saying is, they created a marketing strategy based on what an influencer told them to do or what an article online said they needed to do to make money without actually sitting down to come up with their own strategy based on their values, mission, schedule, and capabilities.

When we peal back the layers, we see that many small business owners move full speed ahead in marketing without regular check-in's to see HOW the marketing is working FOR them vs. AGAINST them.

You might be putting too much effort into a social media channel that does not serve you or are neglecting your innate skill at being behind a camera and teaching your audience about your products or services.

This would make anyone overwhelmed and want to walk away when it seems like marketing is a time suck and not producing the results you had hoped for...

That's why I'm here and why I created my MARKET YOUR BUSINESS MASTERCLASS program so that you can decrease your overwhelm with your marketing and increase your customer engagement and conversions without the same amount of stress.

When you speak from an authentic place, you attract YOUR target audience without having to be or speak like someone else or the way the internet told you to do.

Does being less overwhelmed while bringing in more targeted and engaged audiences sound good to you? I thought so!

Let's put the stress to rest and find a strategy that works FOR you and your business and comes so naturally you don't need to dread opening up your laptop anymore.

Perfect for: Businesses and Solopreneurs who need help with their current marketing strategy and/or are looking to pivot in their marketing. 

The Market Your Business Masterclass will involve four main discussions as well as multiple additional mini-classes focused on topics in SEO, Paid, Content, Email, and Social Marketing.

Each discussion will go over one main topic which includes:

-Your Voice
-Your Mission
-Your Unique Selling Proposition
-Your Words

Deliverables will include "homework" each module to help dive into each discussion and allow you to create pieces for your marketing strategy. You will also have access to the discussion board to ask questions, share thoughts, or offer comments on other members ideas.

You will have access to me to ask any questions and request feedback on items discussed during the intensive.

These modules collectively are valued at over $1250 but I want everyone to learn and grow so they are available for only $37.99!

Remember, this is a safe space to learn and collaborate. Any malice will not be accepted and will result in elimination from the modules with no refunds.

This course is closed for enrollment.